In order to keep us moving I have decided I will be stepping back for a bit to work on 3d Modeling as discussed with Nick in our last code review meeting. I will be responsible for the server side code and networking part of our project. Nick and Anthony are doing very well in coding and keeping things organized. I am impressed by their abilities not only as programmers but the other idea they bring to the table.
This change for now will be taking place on the next sprint to get us some 3d models to work with on the terrain. As a side job on this sprint I might just take all the screens and finish them out. Then move programmers on to the game itself. I have not really reviewed this idea yet with my time schedule as I would like them done!
It is becoming a concern to me however as some leads keeps disappearing and that leaves me to figure the the role out for myself. I like our leads to create the agenda's in direct relation to the current objective and provided feed back after every sprint on their role members as well as themselves per sprint. Communication is key to our team.